Hello BoQ! My name is Caitlin McKillop and I couldn’t be happier to be working for the Bay of Quinte this summer! Now that I am home from my first year at Ryerson University for Professional Communication, I am so excited to get first hand experience on my future career field before going back to school. I will be working as the social media student this summer so be sure to keep an eye out on the Bay of Quinte’s social media platforms for some great posts! A fun fact about me is that I love to make videos for my Youtube Channel where I review Disney shows and so I’ve added in a link to one of my favourite videos that I’ve made down below. I can’t wait to get started meeting so many new people and learning more about the amazing Bay of Quinte!
Three Favourites:
Show: Boy Meets World
Animal: Seahorse
Movie: Tangled
Hi Friends! I’m Monika and I am very excited to announce that I’ll be spending my summer working for the Bay of Quinte Marketing Board. I’ve been away from home for a little while studying in Montreal, but I’m home now and I can’t wait to enjoy all the things the Bay of Quinte has to offer. I’ll be in charge of showering you guys with photos and videos of the area, so you’ll catch me around town and at local events snapping away. Hope that I can do our home justice and show you just how beautiful it is!
Three Favourites:
Colour: Teal
Band: Paul McCartney/Wings